Hello and Welcome to Raising Esthers!
I am so glad to have you! Are you a parent of daughters? Do you desire to raise them to be women after God's own heart? Do you want them to be strong yet feminine? Full of faith and courage? Do you desperately want them to place more value upon their inner-beauty than what they see in the mirror? Then this blog is for YOU!!!
It is my hope, dream, and prayer that as you follow along and comment, entering into discussion with each other, that we can form a community of like-minded parents, sharing stories, ideas and encouragement.
It's tough raising girls in today's society! Pressure is starting at a younger and younger age for girls to dress a certain way (modesty is not "cool"), portray themselves a certain way, and believe in all types of worldly agendas. Being a classy, feminine, god-fearing woman is frowned upon; submission is seen as weak, outdated, and outright mocked. Social media only contributes to the struggles that have plagued teenage girls for decades (centuries!) and exponentially escalates the pressure to fit in and be popular!
I don't know about you, but I desire to raise my little girls to be strong and confident in who they are in Christ.
I want them to be in the world, but set apart, a shining light in the midst of darkness. I want them
to know that they have value so that they don't go looking for validation in all the wrong places. I want them
to know that inner beauty is so much more attractive than outer beauty; and yet, girls will be girls (I would know, I am one!) and we do care about our outward appearances. And so I want to teach my girls
that they can dress in a way that is beautiful and classy; that modesty does not equal frumpy! That it's okay to wear make up and fix their hair, as long as they aren't using it to seek attention or placing more time and energy on their looks than they do their heart.
And most importantly, I desire to raise my girls
to know and love God, to love their neighbor, to be selfless in the midst of a 'selfie society'.
I can't make my girls be any of these things that I just talked about. Only God can. BUT, he has entrusted them to my husband's and my care, and it IS our job to
"train them up in the way that they should go, so they will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) Our most important job in the world is to pray for our children; next, we must model for them Christ; and finally, it is our job to teach them:
"All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children." (Isaiah 54:13) We teach them until the day we die, but primarily, we are
given roughly eighteen solid years, and we do it in our everyday life!
And THAT, is what this blog is all about! Teaching and training our daughters day by day. Weaving it into the fabric of our lives. I'll share what I know and what I'm learning. But I don't claim to have all the answers, which is why I'll have regular interviews from other moms, dads, bloggers, experts, authors, and anyone with wisdom in raising girls. We are all in this together! Won't you join me on this journey of raising daughters to be women created by God "for such a time as this"?
For more about Crystal, click here.
Mission statement, click here.
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